Tis the season for crunchy leaves

With thanksgiving right around the corner, I thought it would be a fantastic time to share a list of things I am most grateful for.

  1. Forgiveness. whether it be for stepping on someone’s toe, or for being the sinner I am, forgiveness is something that never fails to amaze me.
  2. My hilarious, loving family. They are always there to laugh at me (in love) and they’re always there to talk to about anything like where I want to be in 3 years, or how my hair looks weird cuz they forgot I got a haircut… They are truly the bestest.
  3. Friends. Friends who like coming over and drinking dirty chai’s with me. Friends who I can text at all hours to tell them about the crazy dream I had and they don’t ask questions, they just say “that’s disturbing”. Friends who come over mainly to eat my food and then just hang out on the couch and laugh about how our friendship started. Friendship is my favorite.
  4. Opportunities. I’m thankful for the constant opportunities that pop up in my life to share about who I am, what makes me- me. whether it be in the dreaded sociology class where I get to share about how I am a Christian and suddenly find out there’s 5 other Christians in the same class, or when I’m at work and everyone is stressed and upset because of insane rain and wind storms, I have 3 minutes (while making their food) to try and cheer them up, or calm them down. I love the chance to make someone smile in the midst of the torrential downpour.
  5. Rain. yes, surprisingly I am thankful for the rain. I might not be thankful for the crazy flash floods or mudslides, but rain to me is such a peaceful sound. And in the midst of stressful classes, its nice to just shut my eyes and hear the rain fall.
  6. Fuzzy blankets. what better to snuggle under when the rain is coming down, the wind is howling, the trees are bending, and your toes are numb?
  7. Crunchy leaves. This may be because I’m secretly a 5 year old in a 18 year old body, but if I see a crunchy leaf anywhere near me, I will go out of my way and pace my footsteps so I get to crunch that leaf. And I will be smiling like a goofy child whilst doing it 🙂
  8. Food. I may not eat that much, but I am so grateful to never have to wonder if there will be food in the fridge or in the pantry.
  9. Adventures. whether it be adventures that are on the horizon, or looking back at past memories of driving along tiny roads on the edge of a cliff surrounded by fog, zip-lining in the humid Hawaiian forests, collecting waaaaay to many shells to take home, taking hikes in the pouring rain, sitting around a bonfire talking about dogs and life, or even just sitting on the roof eating popsicles with a good friend, adventures are spectacular and I’m thankful for every single one I experience.

So there’s a short little list for you, it’s certainly not everything I’m thankful for, but it is a few of the biggies! Have a fantastic Thanksgiving, and remember to look for reasons to smile amidst the cloudy weather. 🙂